Take back control of your digital footprint

Share and collaborate safely

With the help of Tricent, you can let your users share and collaborate with anyone, and feel safe that your sharing permissions will be removed when they are no longer relevant. We offer both end-user driven policies as well as automatic policies and admin driven cleanup.

End-user driven cleanup

We reach out to your employees over email at a set schedule, asking them if older files should still be shared. They can, within seconds, let us know if the files should stay shared for a duration of time, or they can ignore the email, and Tricent will automatically unshare the files.

Works with Google and Microsoft

You might be using Microsoft M365? Or Google Workspace? Or both? Either way, we have got you covered. As an official Google and Microsoft Partner, Tricent is the perfect add-on for enabling more secure collaboration.

Keep sharing. Responsibly.

Most people don’t remember to unshare files they’ve shared with others. Tricent remembers for you!

Tricent dashboard on Microsoft 365