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Secure External File Sharing in Google Workspace

In today's digital age, secure collaboration and file sharing with external parties are crucial for businesses. Google Workspace provides a comprehensive suite of tools to manage and secure externally shared files. However, solutions like Tricent can further enhance these capabilities by adding extra layers of security and oversight. This blog post will explore each feature…

By Tricent · October 23, 2023

Google Workspace’s External Sharing Controls vs. Tricent’s Enhanced Oversight

Google Workspace allows administrators to control whether users can share files outside the organization and with whom. It offers various sharing settings, including Off, Whitelisted domains, and Anyone. These settings can be applied to all users or specific organizational units.

While Google Workspace provides robust sharing controls, Tricent takes it a step further by enabling administrators to audit shared files and remove shared permissions. It also automates sharing policies, reducing the manual work and enhancing the overall file sharing governance.

Collaborating with Non-Google Users: Visitor Sharing vs. Tricent’s Responsible Collaboration

Google Workspace has introduced visitor sharing, allowing non-Google users to comment, suggest edits, and directly edit Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. The identity of these external collaborators is verified via a pin code.

Tricent enhances this feature by promoting responsible collaboration. It ensures the security layer remains robust even when collaborating with external parties who do not use Google accounts.

Admin Security Dashboard & Analytics vs. Tricent’s Detailed Analytics

Google Workspace’s Admin Security Dashboard offers a unified view of important security metrics, including insights into external file sharing. It enables administrators to identify potential security risks and take appropriate action.

Tricent offers full visibility of files shared by domain, user, and file. This level of detail can help administrators identify potential security threats more efficiently, adding an extra layer of security oversight.

Routine Admin Tasks: File Sharing Exposure Reports vs. Tricent’s Automated Policies

Google Workspace provides a File Sharing Exposure report, offering a day-by-day overview of externally shared files. Administrators can monitor the exposure of sensitive data over time and adjust sharing settings as needed.

Tricent complements Google Workspace’s features by automating sharing policies to minimize exposure over time. It also involves end-users in the review process of shared files, ensuring that only necessary permissions are in place.

In conclusion, while Google Workspace provides a robust suite of tools for managing and securing externally shared files, incorporating additional solutions like Tricent can further enhance these capabilities. By offering detailed analytics, automated sharing policies, and promoting responsible collaboration, Tricent provides comprehensive security and oversight for your organization’s data.

Free Trial on Google Workspace Marketplace:

You can start your free trial today and gain insight into your file-sharing footprint. (Please note that you must have admin rights to your Google Workspace tenant.)

  • Install Tricent directly from Google Workspace Marketplace:
  • Get instant insight into your external file-sharing footprint.
  • Identify potential security risks and analyze sharing patterns.
  • Test key functionalities and experience the ease of use.
  • Subscribe to access advanced features like automated remediation, custom policy settings, anomaly detection etc.

Don’t leave your sensitive data vulnerable. Choose the option that best suits your needs, and start securing your Google Workspace today!

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