Address: 899 West Evelyn Ave. Mountain View, CA 94041
Processing: Delivery of messaging infrastructure that supports the operation of the Tricent for Microsoft 365 solution
Privacy and security: Cloud Data Processing Addendum and Privacy Policy
Where is data stored: EU (Western Europe)
Address: Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States
Processing: Delivery of execution infrastructure for Tricent for Google Workspace solution
Privacy and security:
- GDPR and Google Cloud
- Safeguards for international data transfers with Google Cloud
- Google Cloud’s Approach to the New EU Standard Contractual Clauses
Where is data stored: EU (Western Europe)
Address: 25 First Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02141, United States
Processing: CRM software
Privacy and security: Privacy Policy
Where is data stored: Germany
Address: 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA98052, United States
Processing: Delivery of execution infrastructure for Tricent for Microsoft 365 solution
Privacy and security:
- Data Residency in Azure
- Trusted Cloud: Microsoft Azure Security, Privacy, Compliance, Reliability/Resiliency, and Intellectual Property
Where is data stored: EU (Western Europe)
Address: 375 Beale St Suite 300, San Francisco, CA, United States
Processing: Delivery of mail infrastructure for Tricent for Google Workspace and Tricent for Microsoft 365 solution
Privacy and security: Data Protection Addendum and Security Overview
Where is data stored: EU (Western Europe)
Statuspage (Atlassian)
Address: Atlassian, Inc., 350 Bush Street, Floor 13, San Francisco, CA 94104
Processing: Subscription to incident and service window updates
Privacy and security: Privacy Policy and Data Processing Addendum
Where is data stored: Australia, Ireland, United States
Address: 548 Market St PMB 69598, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA
Processing: User adoption software for our services
Privacy and security: Privacy Regulations (GDPR) and Privacy Policy
Where is data stored: United States
Address: 989 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Processing: Support infrastructure on Tricent for Google Workspace and Tricent for Microsoft 365 solution
Privacy and security: Privacy and Data Protection
Where is data stored: Germany