Before you start reading – there is something you need to know
Did you consider that the complexities of file-sharing pose significant challenges that require more than just basic management tools like Google Apps Manager (GAM)?
You can read more about this here:
A step-by-step implementation guide
In order to follow along with this section, it is required that you download the .zip file from GitHub with the extended GAM scripts. The link can be found here:
Once downloaded, you can try entering the following scripts into your GAM command-line tool.
All scripts will be written with quotation marks to indicate the length and spaces in between the characters. When executing the script, you need to remove the quotation marks i.e. “filelistperms.csv” → filelistperms.csv
1. Find all groups without members
This script lists all Groups in Google Workspace including the number of members, managers, and owners. It then returns all empty groups.
Open GAM
Step 1: Enter “gam print groups memberscount managerscount ownerscount > GroupCounts.csv”
Step 2: Press Enter
Step 3: Wait for the script to be done
Step 4: Enter “python GroupCounts.csv EmptyGroups.csv”
Step 5: Press Enter
Step 6: View the results in the “EmptyGroups.csv” file
2. How many Google Drive files has your organization shared?
This script lists all files in the users’ “My Drive” including the ACL (Access Control Lists). It then sorts this information and displays all the shared files by file-owner, file-id, file-name, file-permissions, and many other parameters.
Open GAM
Step 1: Enter “gam all users print filelist id title permissions > filelistperms.csv“
Step 2: Press Enter
Step 3: Wait for the script to be done
Step 4: Enter “python filelistperms.csv sharedfiles.csv”
Step 5: Press Enter
Step 6: View the result in the file “sharedfiles.csv”
3. Who has delegated access to mailboxes?
A delegated access allows someone else to manage another person’s Google Workspace account/apps e.g. Gmail. This script lists all people who have delegated access to all mailboxes in your organization and then sorts them accordingly to every mailbox that each user has access to.
Open GAM
Step 1: Enter “gam all users print delegates shownames > AllDelegates.csv“
Step 2: Press Enter
Step 3: Wait for the script to be done
Step 4: Enter “python AllDelegates.csv AllDelegators.csv”
Step 5: Press Enter
Step 6: View the result in the file “AllDelegators.csv”